November 9th, 2006.
Miss you, grandpa.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yes we did.
Last night, Dad and I were driving home from work when we heard the news.
Obama flipped Ohio.
I was up until one in the morning watching history unfold. But it was those three simple words that really made me feel like part of something amazing. I voted at around 9 o'clock Tuesday morning along with lots of grumpy old people from my precinct who didn't know how to get the machine to take their ballots. And also my parents who were less old, less grumpy, and more or less got the machine to work. Even though it was my first presidential election, and I knew it was potentially earth-shaking election, it didn't feel particularly dramatic. I had no idea that filling in that little oval could feel so fulfilling. But as I watched them color Ohio blue on the map, I realized that something phenomenal was going on here.
We sat in front of the television and watched them discuss and theorize, watched the intricate graphics that probably took an obscene number of man-hours, and I don't think I'm ever going to forget watching the countdown tick down the last ten seconds to history. The screaming, the crying, this celebration and hope that America can and will change. I sincerely hope we can hold on to the image we cast on the world last night.
I was also pleasantly surprised by the grace of McCain's concession speech. It was disappointing that a moment of such sincere, humble gratitude was marred by boos and anger on
the crowd's part. It was a striking contrast of graceful acceptance and immaturity.
This is the only time in my life I can ever remember feeling so strongly that my own tiny contribution was part of something far bigger and far greater than myself. I am so thrilled and anxious to see what kind of change the next 4 (+!) years are going to bring, because this morning I feel we have potential the likes of which could move mountains.
I'm proud to say, I voted Obama in 08!
Obama flipped Ohio.
I was up until one in the morning watching history unfold. But it was those three simple words that really made me feel like part of something amazing. I voted at around 9 o'clock Tuesday morning along with lots of grumpy old people from my precinct who didn't know how to get the machine to take their ballots. And also my parents who were less old, less grumpy, and more or less got the machine to work. Even though it was my first presidential election, and I knew it was potentially earth-shaking election, it didn't feel particularly dramatic. I had no idea that filling in that little oval could feel so fulfilling. But as I watched them color Ohio blue on the map, I realized that something phenomenal was going on here.
We sat in front of the television and watched them discuss and theorize, watched the intricate graphics that probably took an obscene number of man-hours, and I don't think I'm ever going to forget watching the countdown tick down the last ten seconds to history. The screaming, the crying, this celebration and hope that America can and will change. I sincerely hope we can hold on to the image we cast on the world last night.
I was also pleasantly surprised by the grace of McCain's concession speech. It was disappointing that a moment of such sincere, humble gratitude was marred by boos and anger on

This is the only time in my life I can ever remember feeling so strongly that my own tiny contribution was part of something far bigger and far greater than myself. I am so thrilled and anxious to see what kind of change the next 4 (+!) years are going to bring, because this morning I feel we have potential the likes of which could move mountains.
I'm proud to say, I voted Obama in 08!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Recipe for Disaster
Step one.
"Oh, sure guys, I'll take BIOS 206 with you. I mean, I'm no good at biology but it should be fun to suffer through our natural sciences credits together.
Step two.
"Well, I grade on the first test wasn't that bad, I should have to study too much harder for the second one."
Step three.
"Hmm...I have a test in three hours. I haven't even read two of the chapters it's over. But that's okay, I mean I'm going to fail anyway. I probably won't fail TOO epic-ly."
Step four.
"Err...well, I guessed on ninety percent of these questions. There's no point in re-reading them. It seems weird that I finished that test in ten minutes, but I'm sure I'm not giving myself enough credit. I mean...educated guesses will get me SOME points at least."
I am chastising myself so heavily right now that I'm not even sure I should be blogging, it'll just come out sounding like a bunch of self-loathing mopery. Is it an appropriately strong reaction to want to crawl in a hole and drop out of school just because I might not make the Dean's List this quarter? Maybe I should do the math first. I mean, I can't possibly get like...worse than a C in that class as long as I retake the first two tests. And he won't let us retake the final or anything, but I DO have my online quiz grades to consider and I'll just promise myself to study super-hard for the final and maybe I can continue my "have never gotten below a B- in a college course" streak.
What have we learned, children?
Don't take a class you know you'll do poorly in just because your friends are taking it too.
and more importantly,
Don't underestimate your own capacity for failure.
"Oh, sure guys, I'll take BIOS 206 with you. I mean, I'm no good at biology but it should be fun to suffer through our natural sciences credits together.
Step two.
"Well, I grade on the first test wasn't that bad, I should have to study too much harder for the second one."
Step three.
"Hmm...I have a test in three hours. I haven't even read two of the chapters it's over. But that's okay, I mean I'm going to fail anyway. I probably won't fail TOO epic-ly."
Step four.
"Err...well, I guessed on ninety percent of these questions. There's no point in re-reading them. It seems weird that I finished that test in ten minutes, but I'm sure I'm not giving myself enough credit. I mean...educated guesses will get me SOME points at least."
I am chastising myself so heavily right now that I'm not even sure I should be blogging, it'll just come out sounding like a bunch of self-loathing mopery. Is it an appropriately strong reaction to want to crawl in a hole and drop out of school just because I might not make the Dean's List this quarter? Maybe I should do the math first. I mean, I can't possibly get like...worse than a C in that class as long as I retake the first two tests. And he won't let us retake the final or anything, but I DO have my online quiz grades to consider and I'll just promise myself to study super-hard for the final and maybe I can continue my "have never gotten below a B- in a college course" streak.
What have we learned, children?
Don't take a class you know you'll do poorly in just because your friends are taking it too.
and more importantly,
Don't underestimate your own capacity for failure.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Only in the linguistics department...
Could you hear the following snatch of conversation:
"I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of a blank syntax tree."
"Ohmigosh, that would be SO COOL!"
Linguistics majors are some seriously awesome folks. ^_^
"I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of a blank syntax tree."
"Ohmigosh, that would be SO COOL!"
Linguistics majors are some seriously awesome folks. ^_^
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dear Blog,
I would like to extend my deepest apologies for neglecting you lately. You see, I've been wildly busy since classes started two weeks ago.
Child Psych has been fun, and homework-free until midterm time. 20th Century French Lit is one of the tougher French classes I've taken, but I'm keeping my head above water for now. Drugs and the Brain would be a total disaster except that Cat and Kristin are slogging through it with me. In Linguistics, we're making our own language, which is totally my kind of thing. It should be fun.
And from classes, straight to work. Five shifts a week plus training. For what, might you ask? Yours truly has been promoted to "student manager in training." In other words, what time I don't spend in class belongs to Jefferson Hall. I flip dressings, I sling roast beef, I learn to cut up a honeydew in four minutes flat, then I go home, eat a (la-a-a-te) dinner, take a shower, do my homework, go to sleep, wake up, and do it all over again.
As you might imagine, this doesn't leave a ton of time for blogging.
So you see, blog, the quantity of my posts here is going to suffer. On the other hand, I'm going to have plenty to write about when I do write. I've got classes that I'm still mostly enjoying, I'm climbing the ladder at work, I get to hang with Sam and Clare, Cat and Kristin, I've got a French class full of Avignon buddies, and even though I'm not spending as much time at home doing nothing as I'd like to, I think I'm learning to deal with it.
It's called Saturday.
Guitar Hero, Pirates of the Caribbean, and blogging. Pretty much the furthest thing from class and work I can manage. Yay!
So anyway, blog, that's why I'm not going to be writing quite as much as I'd initially thought. But so long as there's a soul or two out there reading this, I'll do all I can to keep writing. If for no other reason than to keep from letting class and work drive me totally insane. So I guess even if nobody reads this, I'll still be writing. Woo! Hooray for projecting my experiences and ideas out into an endless void that seldom offers a word of response! *dances*
Guess that's about it for now. Ttfn, Ima go dance now.
Child Psych has been fun, and homework-free until midterm time. 20th Century French Lit is one of the tougher French classes I've taken, but I'm keeping my head above water for now. Drugs and the Brain would be a total disaster except that Cat and Kristin are slogging through it with me. In Linguistics, we're making our own language, which is totally my kind of thing. It should be fun.
And from classes, straight to work. Five shifts a week plus training. For what, might you ask? Yours truly has been promoted to "student manager in training." In other words, what time I don't spend in class belongs to Jefferson Hall. I flip dressings, I sling roast beef, I learn to cut up a honeydew in four minutes flat, then I go home, eat a (la-a-a-te) dinner, take a shower, do my homework, go to sleep, wake up, and do it all over again.
As you might imagine, this doesn't leave a ton of time for blogging.
So you see, blog, the quantity of my posts here is going to suffer. On the other hand, I'm going to have plenty to write about when I do write. I've got classes that I'm still mostly enjoying, I'm climbing the ladder at work, I get to hang with Sam and Clare, Cat and Kristin, I've got a French class full of Avignon buddies, and even though I'm not spending as much time at home doing nothing as I'd like to, I think I'm learning to deal with it.
It's called Saturday.
Guitar Hero, Pirates of the Caribbean, and blogging. Pretty much the furthest thing from class and work I can manage. Yay!
So anyway, blog, that's why I'm not going to be writing quite as much as I'd initially thought. But so long as there's a soul or two out there reading this, I'll do all I can to keep writing. If for no other reason than to keep from letting class and work drive me totally insane. So I guess even if nobody reads this, I'll still be writing. Woo! Hooray for projecting my experiences and ideas out into an endless void that seldom offers a word of response! *dances*
Guess that's about it for now. Ttfn, Ima go dance now.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Home Again, Home Again
Well, I have caved. That's right, folks, I set up a post-France blog. And despite a slight aversion to blogging like the world cares, I know a couple of you might stop by every now and then. My life may not be as interesting now that I'm home from France, but I'm gonna write like it is. To start, here is a quiz that I stole from Cat. Because I like pirating other peoples' quizzes and pretending that people are going to read them. But this is the abridged version of the quiz because that thing was freakin' long.
1. Do you like the person you are becoming?
I do. Hope I can keep that going.
2. Do you currently find yourself to look cute?
I tend not to.
3. What is your dream marriage proposal?
He asks me instead of the other way around? I dunno...something totally surprising, and yet not too sickeningly cheesy.
4. Are you okay with making a total fool of yourself?
Depends on the audience, but generally no.
5. Are you obnoxious?
In my mind I am, but I can't get people to say so to my face.
6. Can you name one song by The Beatles?
Yep. Oh, you wanted me to do it? Blackbird.
7. Do lectures bore you?
Anything bores me if it drags on long enough, but generally they don't.
8. Did anybody ever call you beautiful? and meant it?
If anyone ever has I don't remember it. You're welcome to be the first!
9. What is the nearest book to you called?
Eclipse. (I am unashamed.)
10. Are you passive or aggressive?
Passive unless I'm super angry.
11. Ever seen a ghost?
12. A place you've lived that you miss?
13. Person that you miss?
All my loser buddies from the Avignon trip who don't live in A-town for the summer like the cool kids do.
14. Wanna have kids before you're 30?
No thank you.
15. Ever have a crush on one of your parents' friends?
16. Something you've always wanted to learn how to do?
Play piano. Like...well.
17. Last item you bought yourself?
Dark Knight ticket?
18. What did you have for breakfast?
19. Live at your parents' house?
20. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Summer, eight-ish. School, more like six.
21. What's the last thing you said to someone and to whom?
"Probably, but no promises" to Mom, I think...
22. Name something you have to do tomorrow:
Wake up? Eat? Oh, and go to Clare's.
23. What CD is currently in your CD player?
Imogen Heap: Speak for Yourself
24. Can you whistle?
25. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
26. Do you get along better with boys or girls?
Quicker friendships with boys, stronger ones with girls.
27. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
28. Which of your friends lives closest to you?
Clare, maybe? Pretty much everybody is on campus.
29. What did you do yesterday?
Watched a couple hours of Scrubs, wrote some random stuff...not a ton, actually.
30. What annoys you most about facebook?
People adding you as their "friend" because you had a lecture hall class with them once and they want to message you to ask for the notes from class today because they are lazy bums who cut classes and then mooch notes off the responsible people-pleasers who just can't find a good reason to say no, but then grumble about it for a couple quarters afterward even though they will never see so-called "friend" ever again.
31. Is there anybody that you trust 100%?
Heck no.
32. Are you satisfied with your life right now?
Actually yeah, for the most part I am. Wow. Cool.
33. What's some bad news you received lately?
College Book Store does not have my Drugs and the Brain textbook, and I'm going to have to go back out and make a second trip in order to get all my books...that's about the worst I've gotten recently.
34. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yes! Woo!
35. How is your relationship with your father?
Who can pin that thing down? Variable? That's an adjective...
36. What color is the nail polish on your nails?
37. What color is your bedspread?
38. Who do you phone when you're having a bad day?
Grace no likie the telephone.
39. Are you in a fight with a friend right now?
I can't tell. I might be, but it's sort of mysterious.
40. Does love frighten you?
41. Are you wearing makeup?
42. Will you leave the house without makeup on?
43. Can you walk into a room full of strangers and maintain your confidence?
MWAHAHA if you know me you know that answer.
44. Do you stay friends with your ex boyfriends/girlfriends?
Guess I'd have to have one to answer that. An official "ex," that is.
45. What do you take in your coffee?
Tea. Coffee's nasty.
46. What is something that you're looking forward to?
Classes starting back up. *pushes up nerd glasses* Truly, I am.
47. Where are you right now?
My house.
48. Does anybody hate you?
That would not surprise me.
49. Do you use any kind of lip gloss/lip balm?
Vanilla mint chapstick
50. How often do you dream of zombies?
24/7? I cannot ever recall having a dream about zombies.
51. How old is the last person you kissed?
I'll tell you once I've kissed someone.
52. Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight?
Phones frighten me.
53. Your current relationship status?
Single now and always *sob*
54. What's your current mood?
55. What color shirt are you wearing?
56. What was the highlight of your week?
Cat called me! For like...four minutes, but still!
57. If you could have something right now, what would it be?
Great Dane puppy.
58. What were you doing at 11:00 last night?
Writing about a drunken escapade in the fictional life of a fictional Irish werewolf. No kidding!
59. How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over?
Too many.
60. If you could live in any other state, which one would you pick?
I'm with Cat on this one--France.
61. Last TV show you watched:
Flipping Out.
63. Have you ever kissed anyone of the opposite sex on your top friends?
You had my "no" at "kissed anyone."
64. How do you earn money?
Toss chicken breasts on plates to throw to the starving collegiate masses.
65. Do you like to cuddle?
Probably too much...
66. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
Yeah, but in an instant messaging "luvya hun, bye" kind of way.
67. Do you miss anyone?
68. Are you growing apart from someone close?
Sort of.
69. What would you do if your ex called you?
Wonder how I got an ex boyfriend.
71. Is there anybody you wish to kill?
I don't think so...
72. What will you be doing at 10 tonight?
Probably listening to music and writing more. I'm on a roll.
73. When is the last time you cried?
Couple days ago the movie Titanic was on and darn if that scene with the mother telling a bedtime story to her children as the boat goes down doesn't just get me every time.
74. Are you dating the person you text the most?
Haha WOW. Big no.
75. Is there anyone you hate?
Yes. I wish I could say no, but if we're being honest, yes.
76. Do you like tattoos and piercings?
On other people that can pull it off. On me, no thanks.
77. Do you like someone?
Oh yeah.
78. How much are you on the phone daily?
Zero to two minutes.
79. Have you ever been in love?
80. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Guy from the radio station handed it to me in the mall several years ago.
81. What kind of phone do you have?
Samsung summat or other.
83. Who do you trust with EVERYTHING?
Not a soul.
84. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
85. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Hugged my mama.
86. Who made you laugh last?
Cat and her survey antics.
87. What will you be doing in 3 hours?
You already asked what I'd be doing at ten tonight.
88. What were you doing at 1AM?
Writing. Here's a blanket answer: after 10 and before 2, I'm writing.
89. What is the background on your phone?
Mah dog.
91. What color are your eyes?
You tell me. First one to answer in comment form gets a prize.
92. What would you do if you won the lottery?
Three words. African. Grey. Parrot.
93. Will you be in a relationship in 50 days?
I'm going out on a limb here and freaking way.
94. What's outside your window?
Hummingbird. It's buzzing rather loudly.
95. What are you doing this weekend?
Working on flags, and/or writing.
96. Do you wear slippers?
I barely even wear socks.
99. Do you ever watch Brady Bunch Reruns?
Not since I was in high school.
100. Are you allergic to anything?
Certain cats.
101. When was the last time you called in sick?
High school. From a job--never. I'd go in to work as long as I can stand upright.
102. Have you ever been in a car accident?
103. What is your favorite snack food?
Most kinds.
105. Would you like to look like your mom/dad when you are his/her age?
That'd be weird.
106. Have you ever seen a tornado?
Only in my recurring nightmares.
107. Do you think Barack Obama is sexy? No.
108. If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first?
Breaking Dawn. Ice cream. Tuition. You know, the essentials.
109. What time is it right now?
110. Are you pregnant?
112. Do you like men who wear pink shirts and flip-flops?
I don't have issues with either of those things, unless your feet are gross and your flip flops will cause me to stare awkwardly at your horrendously ugly feet. Just tellin' it how it is, people.
113. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
114. Do you think you are a hypocondriac?
Heavens no.
115. Do you own a dictionary?
A French-English one. Is there any other kind?
116. Where was the last place you went on vacation?
France, but I guess if you call it a vacation people get peeved.
118. Does your kitchen have a theme?
Food-cooking theme.
124. Are you still in love with one of your exes?
Enough with the exes I don't have!
125. Any big plans for the summer?
'Tis almost Sandusky time! Hooray!
Honest-to-goodness prose-style entry coming soon-ish. I'll try to keep them from being mind-numbingly dull, irrelevant, or like...crazy self-righteous. Also keep your eyes open for my final follow-up style post to the France blog. Definitely meant to have done that already. It's on the to-do list, though.
Ciao for now,
1. Do you like the person you are becoming?
I do. Hope I can keep that going.
2. Do you currently find yourself to look cute?
I tend not to.
3. What is your dream marriage proposal?
He asks me instead of the other way around? I dunno...something totally surprising, and yet not too sickeningly cheesy.
4. Are you okay with making a total fool of yourself?
Depends on the audience, but generally no.
5. Are you obnoxious?
In my mind I am, but I can't get people to say so to my face.
6. Can you name one song by The Beatles?
Yep. Oh, you wanted me to do it? Blackbird.
7. Do lectures bore you?
Anything bores me if it drags on long enough, but generally they don't.
8. Did anybody ever call you beautiful? and meant it?
If anyone ever has I don't remember it. You're welcome to be the first!
9. What is the nearest book to you called?
Eclipse. (I am unashamed.)
10. Are you passive or aggressive?
Passive unless I'm super angry.
11. Ever seen a ghost?
12. A place you've lived that you miss?
13. Person that you miss?
All my loser buddies from the Avignon trip who don't live in A-town for the summer like the cool kids do.
14. Wanna have kids before you're 30?
No thank you.
15. Ever have a crush on one of your parents' friends?
16. Something you've always wanted to learn how to do?
Play piano. Like...well.
17. Last item you bought yourself?
Dark Knight ticket?
18. What did you have for breakfast?
19. Live at your parents' house?
20. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Summer, eight-ish. School, more like six.
21. What's the last thing you said to someone and to whom?
"Probably, but no promises" to Mom, I think...
22. Name something you have to do tomorrow:
Wake up? Eat? Oh, and go to Clare's.
23. What CD is currently in your CD player?
Imogen Heap: Speak for Yourself
24. Can you whistle?
25. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
26. Do you get along better with boys or girls?
Quicker friendships with boys, stronger ones with girls.
27. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
28. Which of your friends lives closest to you?
Clare, maybe? Pretty much everybody is on campus.
29. What did you do yesterday?
Watched a couple hours of Scrubs, wrote some random stuff...not a ton, actually.
30. What annoys you most about facebook?
People adding you as their "friend" because you had a lecture hall class with them once and they want to message you to ask for the notes from class today because they are lazy bums who cut classes and then mooch notes off the responsible people-pleasers who just can't find a good reason to say no, but then grumble about it for a couple quarters afterward even though they will never see so-called "friend" ever again.
31. Is there anybody that you trust 100%?
Heck no.
32. Are you satisfied with your life right now?
Actually yeah, for the most part I am. Wow. Cool.
33. What's some bad news you received lately?
College Book Store does not have my Drugs and the Brain textbook, and I'm going to have to go back out and make a second trip in order to get all my books...that's about the worst I've gotten recently.
34. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yes! Woo!
35. How is your relationship with your father?
Who can pin that thing down? Variable? That's an adjective...
36. What color is the nail polish on your nails?
37. What color is your bedspread?
38. Who do you phone when you're having a bad day?
Grace no likie the telephone.
39. Are you in a fight with a friend right now?
I can't tell. I might be, but it's sort of mysterious.
40. Does love frighten you?
41. Are you wearing makeup?
42. Will you leave the house without makeup on?
43. Can you walk into a room full of strangers and maintain your confidence?
MWAHAHA if you know me you know that answer.
44. Do you stay friends with your ex boyfriends/girlfriends?
Guess I'd have to have one to answer that. An official "ex," that is.
45. What do you take in your coffee?
Tea. Coffee's nasty.
46. What is something that you're looking forward to?
Classes starting back up. *pushes up nerd glasses* Truly, I am.
47. Where are you right now?
My house.
48. Does anybody hate you?
That would not surprise me.
49. Do you use any kind of lip gloss/lip balm?
Vanilla mint chapstick
50. How often do you dream of zombies?
24/7? I cannot ever recall having a dream about zombies.
51. How old is the last person you kissed?
I'll tell you once I've kissed someone.
52. Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight?
Phones frighten me.
53. Your current relationship status?
Single now and always *sob*
54. What's your current mood?
55. What color shirt are you wearing?
56. What was the highlight of your week?
Cat called me! For like...four minutes, but still!
57. If you could have something right now, what would it be?
Great Dane puppy.
58. What were you doing at 11:00 last night?
Writing about a drunken escapade in the fictional life of a fictional Irish werewolf. No kidding!
59. How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over?
Too many.
60. If you could live in any other state, which one would you pick?
I'm with Cat on this one--France.
61. Last TV show you watched:
Flipping Out.
63. Have you ever kissed anyone of the opposite sex on your top friends?
You had my "no" at "kissed anyone."
64. How do you earn money?
Toss chicken breasts on plates to throw to the starving collegiate masses.
65. Do you like to cuddle?
Probably too much...
66. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
Yeah, but in an instant messaging "luvya hun, bye" kind of way.
67. Do you miss anyone?
68. Are you growing apart from someone close?
Sort of.
69. What would you do if your ex called you?
Wonder how I got an ex boyfriend.
71. Is there anybody you wish to kill?
I don't think so...
72. What will you be doing at 10 tonight?
Probably listening to music and writing more. I'm on a roll.
73. When is the last time you cried?
Couple days ago the movie Titanic was on and darn if that scene with the mother telling a bedtime story to her children as the boat goes down doesn't just get me every time.
74. Are you dating the person you text the most?
Haha WOW. Big no.
75. Is there anyone you hate?
Yes. I wish I could say no, but if we're being honest, yes.
76. Do you like tattoos and piercings?
On other people that can pull it off. On me, no thanks.
77. Do you like someone?
Oh yeah.
78. How much are you on the phone daily?
Zero to two minutes.
79. Have you ever been in love?
80. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Guy from the radio station handed it to me in the mall several years ago.
81. What kind of phone do you have?
Samsung summat or other.
83. Who do you trust with EVERYTHING?
Not a soul.
84. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
85. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Hugged my mama.
86. Who made you laugh last?
Cat and her survey antics.
87. What will you be doing in 3 hours?
You already asked what I'd be doing at ten tonight.
88. What were you doing at 1AM?
Writing. Here's a blanket answer: after 10 and before 2, I'm writing.
89. What is the background on your phone?
Mah dog.
91. What color are your eyes?
You tell me. First one to answer in comment form gets a prize.
92. What would you do if you won the lottery?
Three words. African. Grey. Parrot.
93. Will you be in a relationship in 50 days?
I'm going out on a limb here and freaking way.
94. What's outside your window?
Hummingbird. It's buzzing rather loudly.
95. What are you doing this weekend?
Working on flags, and/or writing.
96. Do you wear slippers?
I barely even wear socks.
99. Do you ever watch Brady Bunch Reruns?
Not since I was in high school.
100. Are you allergic to anything?
Certain cats.
101. When was the last time you called in sick?
High school. From a job--never. I'd go in to work as long as I can stand upright.
102. Have you ever been in a car accident?
103. What is your favorite snack food?
Most kinds.
105. Would you like to look like your mom/dad when you are his/her age?
That'd be weird.
106. Have you ever seen a tornado?
Only in my recurring nightmares.
107. Do you think Barack Obama is sexy? No.
108. If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first?
Breaking Dawn. Ice cream. Tuition. You know, the essentials.
109. What time is it right now?
110. Are you pregnant?
112. Do you like men who wear pink shirts and flip-flops?
I don't have issues with either of those things, unless your feet are gross and your flip flops will cause me to stare awkwardly at your horrendously ugly feet. Just tellin' it how it is, people.
113. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
114. Do you think you are a hypocondriac?
Heavens no.
115. Do you own a dictionary?
A French-English one. Is there any other kind?
116. Where was the last place you went on vacation?
France, but I guess if you call it a vacation people get peeved.
118. Does your kitchen have a theme?
Food-cooking theme.
124. Are you still in love with one of your exes?
Enough with the exes I don't have!
125. Any big plans for the summer?
'Tis almost Sandusky time! Hooray!
Honest-to-goodness prose-style entry coming soon-ish. I'll try to keep them from being mind-numbingly dull, irrelevant, or like...crazy self-righteous. Also keep your eyes open for my final follow-up style post to the France blog. Definitely meant to have done that already. It's on the to-do list, though.
Ciao for now,
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