Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Infinite Wisdom of Gordy Hall.

There is a sculpture in Gordy hall--a red electric board that churns out words and phrases day in and day out, in at least a half-dozen languages. This year I have taken to using the sculpture as my daily fortune cookie: the first sentence I read from that board in a language I can understand (English, French, or very simple Italian) I consider my fortune for the day. It's like my very favorite building has a voice, and it's speaking to me and telling me important things. This infinite wisdom must be shared with the world, or at the very least people who read my blog. So I'm going to start writing them down. Thus far I've only written down the three:

"Le potentiel n'est rien qu'a sa realization." (Potential means nothing until it has been realized)
"Taking a strong stance publicizes the opposite viewpoint."

And today's,

"Men don't control you anymore."

It seriously does read like a fortune cookie, doesn't it?!

More to follow. Not sure whether I'll put them in this entry or make new entries every once in a while, but make of it what you will.

Semi-relatedly, I think I'm finally loopy enough from all the hours I've spent in there to think that my building is talking to me...

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